Houda Bakkali was awarded with the New Talent Award at the International Festival Artists of the World in Cannes (France), event sponsored by the city council of the French city, likewise she was honored for four times with the prestigious American Illustration award and with the International Motion Awards in New York, a competition that chooses the best illustrators in the world. Bakkali was awarded four times with the Graphis Silver Award (New York), as well as several honorable mentions. Likewise, she was awarded in different international art and design competitions such as the London International Creative, Paris Design Awards, Creative Quarterly in New York, etc.. She is a part of 3×3 Magazine in New York, which for two decades has been selecting the best international illustrations. For two times she was selected as “Distinguished Artist” by the Canadian magazine ArtAscent and received the “Excellence Award” by the French magazine Circle Foundations, among other distinctions and recognitions. Her series of illustrations “Creativity against Covid-19” was a part of the global #UNCOVID19BRIEF campaign of creatives against covid launched in 2020 by the United Nations and her piece was awarded by the International Motion Awards competition in New York.

«Stay Home» created for the UN #UNCOVID19BRIEF campaign and awarded in New York with the International Motion Awards.