“Deadly Sins” by Houda Bakkali – An Intersection Between Art, Augmented Reality and Self-Expression
There is always something intriguing about Houda’s art projects. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to speak with her once more. This time, she discusses with me her most recent art series “Deadly Sins“, which will be exhibited in various contemporary art exhibitions and institutions both inside and outside of Spain from 2022 to 2023.
Her exhibitions particularly at the College of Physicians of Malaga, Malaga and Louise Se Va, Barcelona in Spain is something that you should check out. You can get to meet her in person and see her “Deadly Sins” come to live in a dynamic and immersive experience, specially designed for this exhibition. There will also be an exclusive vernissage for guests.
“Deadly Sins” series
This is a very special and very personal work, which arose spontaneously and viscerally, like the deadly sins themselves. One of the motivations is that world of excesses, weaknesses, rivalry, envy, invented lives, imaginary friends, uncontrolled egos. It is nothing new, it is the essence of being human, we all sin and we are all part of that vicious circle. These “Deadly Sins” are nourished by the unstoppable judgment of others, they are magnified more and more, they bind us. These skins are a tempting, addictive game with no limits. They can even be a source of happiness and satisfaction. In the end, “Deadly sins” is a metaphor of frivolity, of the vanity of life and of art in an ironic key, because reality is really more bearable and appetizing if we see it and live it with humor. For that, art is the best tool. It is a simple work with a simple message. Like life itself.

Augmented Reality
I have created digital art for many years. I have not changed my style or technique. I have always done the same. In some series, like this one, I have combined the digital base printed on canvas with acrylic to embellish the canvases, creating textures and break flat tones.
“Deadly Sins” features animated versions of all 7 pieces as well as augmented reality versions of each piece. The series will be exhibited in different spaces and in each of them it will surprise the public with a different aesthetic and message, as in my previous series and exhibitions.
Augmented reality has been part of my work since I presented the series “Life is beautiful” in Monte-Carlo, Monaco a years ago. It is an essential part of my work and an exceptional way to present the motivations of each piece, describe its elements and reveal the stories behind its characters. It is also a way of guaranteeing the public the exclusivity of each artwork, its continuity and dynamism over time. In addition, during the exhibition, it is a fun way to make the viewer participate in the work, to immerse himself in it and live a different and dynamic experience from a static canvas.